Not how I wanted it to end....

My lo is almost 14 months old so I know I'm lucky to have breast fed for this long but it is still sad. We were down to just morning and night feedings (whole milk during the day) but that all came to an abrupt end yesterday. I had a really bad allergic reaction to penicillin and had to be put on steroids. No breastfeeding while on them... I don't have enough stash to get through the six days... My husband says that I can go back if I want after but i hate pumping (did it for the last 10 months while working) my supply is already dropped bc I was taking benadryl to stop the hives. Haven't pumped since last night and still don't feel a hint of engorgement... this just isn't how I wanted it to end... I wanted it to be a joint decision between me and my baby!