help please🤔🤔

okay I haven't had a period since October and before that it was pretty regular I usually get my period every month 19-25th. in October I had a period but it was litterally only two days and barley bled like mostly just brown on the pad and when I wiped it was a really light pink. since then I have not had a period. I've taken a couple days in the last week and all neg. I've been having really sore boob's well my nipples now for two weeks. Also, been nauseous and having alot of headaches. now December first I'm having some cramps but only on my right side above my hip bone. (which is not like my normal period cramps) I really don't know what to do or why I haven't gotten my period. thoughts? suggestions? My boyfriend and I have regular unprotected sex damn near every night. according to glow I'm in my fertile window