Scared and not knowing the best

Ellie-Mae • My preemi baby-Ava Summa-Mae born 5/12/17🎀👶🏻..👫matty-baby daddy💏 England🌏🇬🇧. Bump no.2. Due soon!

So I’m 35 weeks 2 days pregnant,with my first child. Wondering what is the best pain relief?! Heard gas and air makes you throw up,pethadine I’m not sure on as I’ll need more info about that..epidural,I’ve heard that’s good but what are the possible side effects?! I’m so stuck on what one to decide. Anyone out there that can help would be great

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Posted at
Epidurals are sent down from god. Once you get one angels appear singing songs and it's all sunshine and rainbows. 😂 But really, they are amazing.


Ellie-Mae • Dec 1, 2017
My mum had permeant nerve damage. Oh yeah I know been looking on YouTube about how it’s used lol x


Ly • Dec 1, 2017
back pain for life, paralysis, loss of bladder control, temporary nerve damage, permanent nerve damage, is a needle that goes into your spine.


Ellie-Mae • Dec 1, 2017
Haha this made me laugh. What side effects are they?! I know everyone’s different but I’m going on not knowing my shit lol


Posted at
Literally God himself came down and delivered the epidural and all the pregnant women around the world rejoiced. It’s the best thing that has ever happened. 😂😂


Ellie-Mae • Dec 1, 2017
Haha omg xx


Posted at
Talk to your docs.What some women react with might not be the same for you.Im looking at nitrous oxide for this one if I get my vbac dream.


Freyja • Dec 1, 2017
Nitrous oxide is laughing gas basically


Ellie-Mae • Dec 1, 2017
Oooo not heard of that. My midwife is honestly so bad (Not sounding a bitch) but she’s awful. I was suppose to do a birth plan ages ago but haven’t.