When does the glow start?


Don’t get me wrong, I’m so so happy we are pregnant. We had to go through <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> due to my bad endo and my tubes are fused shut so very thankful to be pregnant.

BUT - I feel like crap all the damn time!! People say ‘oh you must be so excited!’. Actually right now I just feel like I need to puke all the time, I wake during the night feeling like I’m sea sick and swaying, my boobs hurt when the wind hits them (let along taking a bra off 😭), I’m gassy, bloated, cannot stand any food and every water makes me sick.

I am 7 weeks today and have my first scan this Wednesday (please let there be a heart beat!).

I have bled a small amount twice, have cramps and now have dark CM last 48 hours.

Please tell me it gets better. Please.