In may I found out I was pregnant but I started to bleed, by June 10th my 21st birthday, the dr call...

Jenne • Mommy to a perfect little boy 💙 and perfect baby girl 💜
In may I found out I was pregnant but I started to bleed, by June 10th my 21st birthday, the dr called to tell us we had miscarried. Broken down I realized I really wanted to be a mother. It took me till October to get the courage to tell my boyfriend of 7 years how bad I wanted to be a mother. Absolutely surprised when he said he felt the same we decided TTC was our next choice. So I cut out all caffeine and lowered my carb intake, and started bbt, and opk. I got a positive opk on Halloween and we had bd all around tht time! A week and a half later I started getting tired all the time and my memory was gone! I didn’t notice I was late till I was over three days late, after 3 hpt all negative I waited for af ready to start a new cycle and excited! But behold she never showed!?!? I called my dr who told me to turn to my family history till I could get in. From my moth I heard that she never got a positive hpt or blood test till after 4 months pg!!! So I went to my aunt then my great aunts about them and my grandma to find out they all had the same, some even had full cryptic pregnancy’s!!!! So here I am now to say I am 7w+1d along with no hcg, pcos, and first month trying!!!! I am proof that it can happen!!! Good luck to those still trying and those who are pregnant!!!!