What’s up with my body??


So last month I had some odd cramping and got what I think may have been my period 4 days early. It was dark and only lasted two days followed by three days of very very minimal spotting. Anyway, I felt pregnant last month and even after bleeding I still feel pregnant. My husband told me two days ago he thought I was pregnant. I hadn’t told him I felt pregnant either so it was kinda weird that he mentioned it. I took a test last night and this morning and both were negative but I’m currently in my ovulating window and have NONE of the symptoms I usually do at this time. So, my question, has anyone ever come out pregnant after a situation like this? I’ve also been having horrible heart burn and gas. And everything taste metallic or has no flavor. I’m a nurse so I’m trying to be logical but I’ve come to the conclusion I’m either knocked up or dying 😂