
I talked to a friend today and she's also scared she might be pregnant so, the beautiful saint she is, she bought us both pregnancy tests. Since I've missed my period I took it. After about 3 minutes of sitting there was a wonderful heaven sent singular line. The box came with two so ill be taking the second one in a week if I still don't get my period. I at least have a bit of reassurance that its just my messy anxiety and not another human growing inside me.

Okay so Im 17. I have recently lost my virginity on November 22nd. I used a condom and I also had sex the next Monday but I used a condom then. However on Halloween, my partner and i were messing around and we were grinding without clothes and he came on my crotch. I didnt feel anything go in but im not sure. Halloween was the last day of my period and the last time i had a period. I know im probably over reacting but im so scared I might be pregnant. i cannot tell my mom or anyone in my house because i have severe anxiety. i just cant. i cant go to the doctor to get checked. i dont have a job to get a test. Im going to state my symptoms and hopefully someone can tell me if im just freaking out or if I should look up at home remedies to kill the fetus before it develops further. Also for reference, earlier this year I missed my period for all of May so I hope its that again.

Anyways, my period is a week late (which has happened before), and ive got white discharge. ive been getting cramps as if i were going to start my period, but it hasnt come. there hasnt been implantation bleeding. i havent bled at all. i dont have swollen or tender breasts, both nipples are light. today i did get a sharp pain in my breast. As of right now im extremely nauseous but i know its from my anxiety skyrocketing.

So does it sound like im pregnant? Or starting my period soon and my anxiety is delaying it? Im so terrified.