Two Day Period???


So, I've just recently got on my period November 27th. It was kind of medium to light which I didn't worry about since my period has changed just a bit over the past few months (First day being a bit heavy most of the time but not as much anymore). The 28th it was still the same but more on the medium side. The 29th which would be my third day, I paused (Naturally happens, Nothing abnormal). However, I spotted a bit towards the night and my period hasn't come back since. I waited for it to come back yesterday just in case but it had not (Since my period only lasts four days and spots on the fifth). I'm not sure what has caused this since i never really have a problem with my period. There was only one time where my period changed color and my cycle or amount of blood release had changed. But it had went back to normal at some point.

My sleeping schedule has been off this month but I've always had a hard time sleeping so I don't know if that's the reason.

I'm moving to Florida pretty soon. I've heard of people missing their periods when they move but all Im going to do is pack my luggage and get on a plane (which I've already done on many occasions). Not so different from going on vacation, you know.

Oh and I'm a virgin. I'm not on any medication either.

Any inkling as to what the cause might be? I would really appreciate the help.

Edit: I just saw this. So technically I got my period twice last month?