Any body have these symptoms?? Or am I just crazy lol


Welp since I have been feeling kinda odd lately... I figured I’d comment and tell all the things I’m feeling maybe I’ll get my BFP soon...

1. Sore breasts (as the days pass they’re getting more and more sore)

2. Occasional (random as hell) nausea

3. I’m craving starchy foods and carbs

4. Lower back pain

5. Pelvic cramping (normally at night)

6. And the worst constipation... tmi sorry but it sucks😫

Now my partner and I BD on November 17, and my ovulation started 5 days later... is it possible??? Could I be pregnant??? Or am I just psyching myself out:/? I know a test would do the trick but AF shouldn’t start for 9 days from today... I’m worried it’s wayyy too soon to test... idk what to do:/

Vent moment (sorry):

I’m also freaking scared of testing and it being a BFN... I hate the feelings that arise when I get a BFN and I also hate how disappointed my husband is after telling him. He just looks so sad but he tries to be so strong for me. He always bounces back up but it just hurts that I can’t seem to do the one thing women were made for you know?