Should a tattoo determine life or death? What would you have done?

Tyra • Fluent in profanity & sarcasm | Aggressively positive♥️

Earlier this year a 70 year old unconscious man was rushed into the hospital with no identification. On his chest he had “Do Not Resuscitate” tattooed with his signature right under.

Doctors decided to follow his wishes and didn’t resuscitate him however that decision caused some backlash. People argued that his tattoo alone wasn’t enough to not save his life. What if the tattoo was from years ago and he no longer felt the same way? What if he got the tattoo when he was depressed or drunk? Should tattoos even be able to influence medical decisions like life or death?

However, other people argued that it is wrong to bring someone back to life against their wishes. If the tattoo had been a mistake, it would have been removed, crossed out or something. Also, his signature made the tattoo valid enough to honor.

What are your thoughts?

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