My labour story! FINALLY!!! 🍼👶🏻❤️


Our baby girl is now in the world 🌏

What a long stressful labour.

She arrived exactly 2 Weeks late, EDD was 19th Nov and little monkey decided to come on the 3rd December. Booked into the hospital on the 1st for induction, arrived midday - had examination for pessary or balloon, turns out was not needed as I had FINALLY dilated 2cm (after having 2 tried and failed sweeps in the week previously that did not work due to closed cervix) this made me very happy, MW was then able to give me a bloody good sweep! Very painful but needed to be done. They said they would let me get to 4cm naturally without inducing me and try to break my waters (this could not be done straight away as there were no beds available for me) had waters broken at 1.51am Sat morning after only a few hours sleep - for some reason it is a blunt knitting needle like tool which took longer than should have, I needed gas and air just for this procedure as the MW that did it was not the gentlest! Anyway BAM contractions started immediately after this was done - it took around 10 minutes. After pacing around, a bath, no pain relief for the next 4 hrs, we were finally offered a room. Straight onto gas and air which did help slightly, but I knew my pain threshold was low and asked for an epidural straight away which took until 10.25 to be given to me. I recommended this to anyone it is brilliant - I was able to sleep through labour in spats🤣👍🏼 turns out I was only 3cm dilated the whole time!!! Anyway, they popped me onto the oxytocin drip to try and get things moving along - to help me dilate.. however this drip made babies heart rate dip many times, and me very violently sick. It had been 8 hours and I had only made it to 4cm, they decided to put me back on drip to make progress and whack it up (luckily sickness meds’ worked for me and babies heart rate ended up being ok, but only with me sitting upright the whole time!) managed to get to 6cm and then to 8cm throughout the morning and was so happy that it looked like a natural labour would occur, 8 more hours passed and I was still stuck on 8cm, babies head had turned to the side, I had blood in my urine, and was very swollen... C section was now the next best option. Definatley not in the plan, but was the best for baby and I. Midwives and staff were absolutely amazing - I was shit scared for the C section but it needed to be done and the support from my partner and staff was incredible. After an incredibly long few days in hospital and labour our baby girl Nora Hope Waters was born at 4.55pm, weighing 8lb 3oz with lots of hair! She latched on straight away and is doing so well with feeding already.