Gypsy Rose blanchard...

Incase anybody doesn't know this story... she was a girl written up as being very Ill and disabled. she was forced to sit in a wheelchair and take medications she didn't need and even have a feeding tube put in that was unnecessary her whole life till age 23. It's alarming how her mother managed to trick all the drs. This was a case of munchausen syndrome by proxy. An article popped up on my fb feed last night and it seemed interesting I looked into it and it's such a crazy story of deception. Her mother stole from so many organizations and used her daughter as a tool to get money and a home etc. In the end gypsy and her boyfriend arranged the death of Dee Dee (the mom the one who did all this to her) and gypsy was sentenced to 10 years in prison!!!do you think this is faire?! I find it horrid. I think the mom deserved a worse death actually and that gypsy should definitely not have gone to jail but I'm sure some will disagree 😆. what's your opinion.

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