advice please!!!


so my boyfriend isn't much help but when it comes to period talk..but he does however let me vent to him. now to all of you..

when I had my first period they were very irregular. but that was when I was like 12? but any way all my periods seem to do fine now. most likely they come on the same day or date as the last months. but this month however. I started 2 days early..which like never happens to me my periods are very scheduled and when my calendar says it's comes on the expected day normally when I use the bathroom when I wake up...buuuuut any ways! I have been having the brown like stuff since Friday! and that normally last like 2 days...but last night I slept without a pad and found it all over my underwear. and then today I go to the restroom and I'm bleeding I just started a round 2 of my period....that has never happened...I'm so very confused and idk of I should be worried or not...I haven't had an irregular period in forever Why start now???