Is it’s normal......?

Just curious to know what people’s opinions are on this matter.....

Lately me and my husband are having a lot of issues because of his sister ( I could be wrong, maybe it’s just me )

One night we all went out to have a good time. I had my sister and her friend with me as well. And my husband was working met us after and I went down with my sister in law (husbands sister) and her husband. After a good night and we went to our cars. (My car and my husbands work car)

My husbands sister said I’m going to ride with my brother so I said ok see you when we get home and her husband came with me. As soon as I got in the car my husband who never fights with me for stupid shit tells me why I didn’t tell his sisters husband to go with him.

After a fun night that kinda ruined it. I said to him. That’s your sisters husband. I don’t tell him what to do. It was your sisters place to say I’ll go with your wife and her husband to go with my husband.

So for a whole 45 mins he would not stop texting me. And I’m a person I don’t like fighting because I’m very weak.

So I get home and I tell everyone good night.

The next day we were all hanging out and my husband was waiting for a friend of his to bring back my 2nd car so he can give to his sister (which I told him, I’m not okay with lending her the car)

I had a glass of wine and my sister said please can you take me home cause I have school tomorrow. And my husbands friend said just drop me off at your wife’s parents house I’ll stay there for the night. So I got up and ready to take them and he told his sister please go with my wife cause she drank a little, she put her shoes on and her jacket on and when I left the house to get in my car she did not fallow me.

I waited two mins and then I left. ( literally a 9 minute drive to my parents)

Since the second I left he was so mad he would not stop texting me, again telling me why I didn’t ask his sister to come with me....... !!!! I came home and was so pissed I couldn’t handle it no more. I said why did your sister get ready and not come. I don’t understand what he expected me to do take her hand!!

So I went upstairs cause I was getting anxiety. He came and started fighting with me. I asked him not to fight with me for something so pointless because of his sister.

She got up and got into our convo. I told her please stay out of the convo cause I’m talkin to my husband not you. There was things you did that he’s attacking me for. He turned around and said she’s in her brothers house she can bud in if she wants to. So honestly at that point I felt like brother and sister ( my husband and his sister) were attacking me.

I went into the living room and kicked them all out of my house. My husband his sister and his sisters husband.

Anyways they didn’t just leave they left after three hours. But the shit I was hearing was unreal.

The next day comes and everyone is mad at me.

I called her husband apologizing cause I felt like I disrespected them. He said don’t worry as long as you and your husband are good.

I apologized to my sister in law. She told me don’t need to apologize to me. I don’t need to come to the house you will never seperate me from my brother I can go meet him everywhere else I don’t need to come to the house.

I told my husband I apologized to them. He said what’s done is done. Your wrong you can’t undo it. That was fcuked up. I can’t believe you kicked us out the house. And went on and on and on.

That night me and my husband made up. We were fine but I was still hurt at the stuff he was saying to me. Thank god we don’t have kids. Telling me when I drink I don’t know what I say or do. Telling me a whole bunch of stuff.

We went to sleep and I waited for him to fall a sleep because my noisy ass was dieing to see what is in his phone with his sister.

Omg what my eyes read 😢😢

She literally hated me all a long.

It’s none of my buisness but she has such big problems with her husband. That from what I see she doesn’t want to see her brother happy with me if she is not happy with her husband.

She told my husband I feel bad for you for who you married and what you have to deal with.

Every fight you guys had together we yelled at you and sorry for that because it was her fault( this is the first argument she witnessed)

She drinks and doesn’t know what she does.

Your wife started this whole fight because she didn’t want me to get her car.

It was more important for her to give the car to your friend then to your sister. ( are you freaking kidding me?!?)

Three days later

They came over for dinner hung out. (Somebody had dropped them off at our house) they wanted to leave after a few hours and my husband said do you guys want the car take it.

I’m saying to my self does my husband understand it’s our car I don’t pay insurance so people can barrow the car left and right but so we have the car.

They barrow it for two weeks and I just picked it up today. Had to pay a 45$ ticket she got because she was to lazy to move it on a street cleaning day.

I got in the car and not only did we do them a favor to lend the car but that didn’t even have the courtesy to put 20$ gas in the car it was on empty.

I went shopping and my husband says let’s drop the car off again so they can barrow it and we go home together.

( please correct me if I’m wrong !!)

I told him absolutely not!!! There is a reason why they kicked her out of insurance. She has three accidents with in one year. She doesn’t know how to drive and she is careless. She gets tickets left and right.

I told him. I did them a favor I gave it to them for two weeks so they can get there shit together for there car. Instead they got used to it like how we have an expression. I have them the finger but they want the whole arm! They got use to just me sayin yes to everything and giving them everything. He kept a fighting with me yes I’m going to give it to them I said no your not do not let them play with you.

So again here is him fighting with me because or for his sister.

So I told him. The car is under my name. Tomorrow I will call the insurance take the car off my name. You can put it in your name and give it to whom ever you want. And this way I don’t need to fight with you: I have a clean record and I sleep with a peace of mind at night. You can do what ever you want be my guest.

I’m just so sick of fighting with him for his sister. It’s like his sister comes first to him.

I just want opinion girls. Someone tell me what to do or how to stay on my ground!!