I do not want to publicly breastfeed (kind of long, sorry)

Alexandra • Mommy to a beautiful baby girl and baby boy Irish twins and pregnant with #3💜💙💛☺️

Hi everyone! I’m 27 weeks and 5 days and I do not want to publicly breastfeed. Before I say anything else I just want to say that I fully support the women that do! That’s amazing and keep it up! I do want to breastfeed and only breastfeed but I’m just a generally shy person and I feel it would be uncomfortable for me to nurse outside of my house. I also do not want to have to go to bathrooms to nurse. Me and my partner decided maybe going to the car and putting things over the window to have privacy. People also tell me to pump before I go anywhere so if my baby is hungry while we’re out she can feed but I’m worried she will have nipple confusion if I use a bottle. I do not want to use formula either. Basically I’m just wondering how all the shy mothers nurse publicly without being so public about it if that makes sense. Any help?