Disabled baby


I’ve posted about this before, but i know there are some sisters who are really good with words who might be able to bring me some peace.

Long story short after 2 1st trimester pregnancy losses this year my husband and i are pregnant (24 weeks) with a baby girl alhamdullilah. 4 weeks ago we found out she has a birth defect where she’s missing her left arm from her elbow down. I have had the hardest time dealing with this and have really spiraled to an ugly place. First i prayed and prayed and prayed to Allah for a miracle to cure her, but after 4 ultrasound scans i now realize that this is the fate destined for our family. Now I’m at a place where I’m just SO angry and crushed. I know it’s the wrong attitude to have, but i am only human. I don’t understand why God gives healthy children to people who do drugs or who those who don’t want babies, but puts this test on my family and most importantly my innocent child. Does anyone have any words or advice to help bring me any peace? I would greatly appreciate I️t.