I've been waiting for this day!!

angela • This is my 4th pregnancy, and we are expecting our third child June '18. We're waiting to find out the gender until baby's birth day!

The daily grind is taxing ya'll. You know what I mean....blessings like great job, 2 beautiful toddlers and a 3rd on the way....it's beautifully exhausting. I always think of something to look forward to when I'm going through a tough moment(s). Lately it's been my 12 week ultrasound AND my daughter's 5th birthday the same day! ❤️🎂 She really is my best bud in the world (next to my husband) so It's been nearly impossible keeping this secret from her. Can't wait to see her reaction!!! Yayy for things to look forward to 👏👏 Next year I'll be putting her on the school bus and taking care of 2 little ones at home. Taking at least 1 year off. God is good. Thought I'd share my excitement while my hubs snores beside me 😝