TWW journey, daily updates until BFP or AF! *Big update!*

Willow • Chemical pregnancies 11/2017, 12/2020, 03/2021. ICP pregnancy, healthy baby girl 07/2018. Trying for another baby with low progesterone 🤞🤞🤞

Follow along on my journey if you would like or please send me positive good vibes or tell me something about your journey to help me pass my time! Here is my story: 12/04/2017: I am 31 years old. We have been TTC officially since September, but didn't try, didn't prevent since July. I got pregnant at the end of October, I had 7 positive pregnancy tests, including a digital, but it ended up not being a sticky bean, and was a chemical pregnancy with bleeding in early November. We tried again this month and I am currently 7DPO. I started spotting this morning, I am really hoping it's implantation bleeding and not AF showing her ugly face a week early. I did take a pregnancy test today because I can't help myself, lol. It was of course negative. Please keep your fingers crossed for me that this is implantation bleeding and that I will get a BFP later this week and a sticky bean! I will post updates as soon as I have them. Baby dust to all you other ladies out there on this TTC journey!

12/5/17: 8DPO. I took a home pregnancy test. It was negative. I only had the brown spotting yesterday. Nothing since, so that is looking more and more like implantation bleeding. 🤞🤞 I am sick with the flu and I have asthma so it's turning into bronchitis. I went to see family practice doctor today, she asked me if I wanted to take a blood pregnancy test and I said NO. Now I am regretting saying no. I told her it would be too early to test, she said it was my choice and I said I would wait. Now I am wondering what it would have said. uggghh! I was just so afraid to hear a doctor say it was negative! The TWW continues!

12/6/17. 9dpo and another negative test. I looked back at my symptoms from my chemical pregnancy last month. I got my first vvvfl the evening of 10dpo. I started having tender breasts on 11dpo. so we will see if I get anything tomorrow or Friday. If you are reading this, wish me luck!

12/7/17: 10dpo I got a vvvfl on my test this morning! I will post the picture below. I am too scared to get very excited because last time it was a chemical pregnancy. I definitely feel like the spotting I had was implantation bleeding now. Hopefully that's a better sign for a more sticky bean this time. I really hope this isn't another chemical. 🤞🤞🤞

12/7/17 (continued). I called my obgyn and told them a out the test results and that it's early (5 days before my period). They are starting me on progesterone so hopefully this one has a better chance of being s sticky baby! I am going in for a blood test as well! 🤞

12/8/17: 11dpo, lines are getting a little darker. I started on the progesterone. it is a pill I have to put in my hoo-ha each night. it is a little bit of an irritant and caused a really mild burning sensation at first. It also makes me very sleepy. Here is my test from today. My obgyn sent me for a blood HCG test. I won't get the results until Monday.

12/9/17: 12DPO my lines are getting darker! I took a digital test and it said not pregnant. I know the digital tests require more HCG, I just really wanted to test! It was disappointing that It said not pregnant so I am going to wait a couple days before I do that again. Here is a picture of all my tests together.