What’s next??

Hi guys! So I’m coming on a year of TTC and this morning feeling really down about it, at the end of 2016/beginning of 2017 when we decided to start our family, I thought I’d have a baby to hold this Christmas.

I’m wondering what advice you guys have on next steps that should be done. My husband has been checked, he’s good. I had an HSG which came back normal. I’ve had my thyroid levels checked- normal, had my hemoglobin checked and was told I’m within the range of normal and not consistent with PCOS. Do I go back to my OBGYN to start rounds of clomid? Should I request an ultrasound to see if I’m actually ovulating? Should I skip going back to my OBGYN and find a fertility specialist clinic to go to? What did you do? Thanks in advance and baby dust to all those who are trying and all those who thought they’d be holding a baby this Christmas ❤️❤️