Can you still implant after having a Pap Smear?


I know this is a random question but, Tuesday was the last day DH and I BD. It was also the day after my OPK showed peak fertility, so we had been BD for a few days before that.

So let's hypothetically that I conceived sometime before Thursday which is when I went to the doctor, but implantation didn't take place yet (therefore I assume a urine test would come out negative since the hormones are released after implantation). Eventhough I had a physical examination and a Pap smear done, would I still be able to implant after the fact? Or if I had just implanted before going to him, would the test affect my ability to keep the pregnancy or anything?

I am not holding my hopes up because I am pretty sure I am not getting pregnant this month, but I just wanted to know if my examinations yesterday could prevent me further from getting pregnant this month.

Thanks for you guys input!