Just need to vent


I feel so awkward around people. No one thinks I should be alone, because my mind goes crazy, but being around people is hard. When I'm with family all I want to do is talk about my princess, I lost her on November 30th, however multiple family members have said they don't want to talk about "it" because it makes them sad. How the hell do they think I feel? I lost my first born. My first daughter. I never got to hear her cry, see her smile, feel her breathing on my skin. I'll never get these moments with her, and family won't let me talk about what little time I had with her. And then when I talk to "friends", all I hear is "it's ok, you can try again". Trying again, isn't going to replace the time I should have had with Amelia. It isn't going to make me miss her less, and it sure as hell won't fill the emptiness I feel. I miss my daughter every second of every day.