

So a follow up on my ripped jeans incident. My father says my punishment for wearing ripped jeans, is missing out on my education. I told him I shouldn’t have to miss out on my education just because of what I’m wearing. That they should tell me not to wear them again or something but he said no I should. He said that should be my punishment, falling behind on my work and missing classes over my jeans. And this is the same man who is ALWAYS on my ass about my school work and making sure I do what I’m suppose to do. And that’s exactly what I do when I go to school but because of my jeans and because of what happened with the teacher he pretty much says I deserved, it which I think sounds stupid asf. You can’t be on my ass about going to school and doing what I’m suppose to do then tell me I deserve to miss it on my education over my damn clothes. That’s dumb asf.