I feel like my husband is...

So my husband has been off the sex wagon for a while. Which is weird for us, we’d be having sex 2x a day if not, at least once a day everyday. Well for the past two weeks we’ve had sex 2x. Which is like I said super weird. I check up on him constantly due to him being caught in a lie, in regards to something else. Well he didn’t know, I had his fb password and after a night of him leaving me in the mood, I got psst and decided to log into his fb. So everything was in the norm. Until the morning after that night, he woke up went to the living room and sat on the couch, I was already awake, and he didn’t know. So while he’s logged on so am I...and he searched up 4 girls from his past and his ex girlfriend. Mind you this girlfriend cheated on him and he swears, he doesn’t have feelings, yet he went out of his way to search her up, by her maiden name, yes and her married name. After it was a dead end he deleted his history. I asked him when’s the last time he looked her up or spoke to her and he said YEARS, which was complete bullshit since he had just searched her up. Well fast forward to yesterday and we had sex finally, but it was just not what we normally have it was basically him, getting off he didn’t even care for my “emotions.” Today we were hugging and getting in the mood and after he gets a hard on, he basically gets up and leaves the room to watch tv. 😔

I guess what I’m ranting about is I feel completely unattractive, I feel he has his dick emotions elsewhere., and I’m sex deprived ! 😭😭😭😭