I caught my boyfriend masterbating


So my boyfriend and I just recently moved in together. The other day when we came home from work he was in a rush to go shower. A few minutes go by and as I walked in to use the bathroom I caught him doing the thing no woman wants to find her man doing lol. Yes... we are talking about watching porn. That in itself didn't really bother me but we have been in a dry spell and any time I've tried to initiate it recently he says he doesn't feel like it. I was angry and that definitely made the situation worse. It has blown over but I'm still left confused, I know he was embarrassed so I haven't wanted to bring it up but I keep wondering if he doesn't want to have sex because he's been getting himself off or if he's getting himself off because we aren't having sex. This is more so a vent than anything, id love some input or to see how similar situations were handled!