Trust Nobody

Monae • Proud Mommy Of 1 ❤️😘 .

I think it’s so crazy how this girl that use to comment on me && my ex pictures last year calling us cute && stuff is now dealing with him . 😂🤦🏾‍♀️ she told me that it’s life shit happens that she barely knows me like that . I need to let them be great && worry about my baby . By the fact she texted me a few days ago asking did I have my baby && now today I find out she deals with my ex who is possibly the father of my daughter . I’m like the same thing he put me through . He’s going to put her through worst . Females think that’s “cute” , which me && her was suppose to be like “family” . Shows how much you can’t trust people even the ones rooting for you be waiting to take your spot . I told him I wish them the best .