Strong “sex” smell?

Hey ladies- this is a slightly embarrassing post/topic for me but looking for advice/guidance/experience etc. I have a very sensitive nose to smells of any sort... and I do not/have not/ can not deal with fishy odors at all so the fact that I have a vagina sucks at certain times during the month lol. I’ve been to the doctor numerous times for BV treatment when I feel like I have a bad odor because I was convinced that I had it and the doctor thinks I am bat shit crazy (have tested positive for it only once after 10 days of culture growing) but my dr didn’t think I had it with initial examinations under the microscope and “whiff” test etc... said the positive culture growth was most likely a false but still treated with antibiotics.

Long story short- occasionally when I am intimate during the act when penetration happens I smell an overwhelming (maybe/hopefully only to me) fishy odor. Is this what “sex” smells like? I don’t smell it before or longterm afterwards... but it makes me feel so gross and embarrassed and if I can smell it I imagine he can and drive myself crazy wondering what he thinks etc...It’s when I am really turned on and naturally wet on my own. (I was with my ex for 10 years and we rarely did it and when we did I basically did it just for him and was never really in the mood. Young and inexperienced on my part, but am now just really beginning to experiment with other men) if something were abnormal foul, or putrid to a man would he probably say something?

I take pride in my hygiene and am pretty OCD about it... over-clean the outside of my lady parts before sex but don’t douche or put anything other than water to clean the inside... and this is really getting into my head to the point I fear being intimate.