I need some advice no kidding.


I’ll try to be short cause I know many people dont like to read much...

I was with this guy and we had been together for 1 year and 6 months. But he started ignoring me a while ago and he started saying he was waiting for me to finish with him, he told his friends he didn’t knew how to finish with me... so I went to him and end it all... that was about 1 month and some weeks ago maybe.

After I finish him. That same day he started telling some boys we had sex, that he didn’t care, that he had other girls he was talking with, that in our school he fucked some girls and that he cheated on me 3 times...

After I knew that I was mad. I confront him shaking one night in a party. And he told me he only told a guy we had sex and nothing else. But there were many things the guy knew not just that, the only way possible was he my ex told him...

But still I believed him...

After some time we talk another guy started texting me.

He is cute... and I like him but I don’t think as much as I like my ex. FOR MUCH STUPID THAT IT SOUNDS...

But I don’t want to go back with my ex...

Cause he made many things that hurt me one way or another... and he told me few days he love me and he cared and he wanted to go back with me smiling.

But I said no... but I’m still thinking about his smile I really don’t know if he wa serious or no. He told me before he is in love with two girls.

So i answered I wasn’t gonna be a third option...

Idk. I just need some advice... what you people think about my ex...?

And this new friend... cause that’s how I see him at least for the moment... he’s cute and nice and pretty haha but I just see him as a friend again at least now should i still be going out with him like to the mall, movies and stuff...?

Thanks for anyone who reads it complete and tells me something...