Oh no.... my heart just sank


This month I decided not to financially invest at all into TTC. Because it’s my birthday month and Christmas and I just wanted to keep things as stress free as possible. But we still wanted to try and have sex on fertile days and if it happens yay! If not maybe the let down won’t be as hard after spending 20 dollars on preseed and another 30 on OPKs.

Except I just counted the days and this horrible tracker has me BACK on a 30 day cycle. I’m very regular! 28 day cycle since my daughter was born! As a regular person I could be able to count on a tracking app. Except this stupid damn tracker keeps me at 30 day cycles!! 2 months ago I realized it had me on a 33 day cycle!

Yes I have it as a 28 day cycle in my settings. 🙄

So it’s pretty likely we didn’t even have sex on my ovulation.

This disappointment may even be worse than I expected...

these symptoms I think I’m feeling? It’s my period coming. I just know it.