I was super excited to do a "MY TURN" post because, ya know, it's a super iconic thing, almost a rig...

Erin • Army Wife with a total of like, 3 friends.
I was super excited to do a "MY TURN" post because, ya know, it's a super iconic thing, almost a right of passage from pregnancy to motherhood. 
Well I didn't get the chance cause Miss Kyra decided she was coming last night, right then, like it or not! 
I went into L&D at 4 cm but with inconsistent contractions at about 9pm last night. The nurse on call joked that she was certain she'd see us before morning. I was supper pissy and went home in a huff, I just wanted some pain relief.
After laboring at home for a few more hours, to the point that I let the damn contractions become excruciating - meaning screaming and tears and unable to walk - I showered for some relief, but even that didn't help, and I started feeling like the only way to get some relief was to push- surely that's normal, right?
I finally couldn't take it anymore and came back in. I had to be wheeled in, I couldn't move. 
I barely made it onto the Triage bed to get my cervical check. The nurse stuck her hand up, made a face, and pulled it out.
"Yep you're at an 8 now, and I can feel that baby's head! Let's get you admitted.
Get into the room, start getting all the stuff done, and somewhere along during the time I was waiting for that epidural, a nurse checks me and practically yells "Yeah this baby is coming now, you're not gonna have time for the epidural, do you feel the urge to push??"
And all I could do is be like WHAT NO THIS ISNT WHAT I WANT IM TOO WIMPY!! 
But for sure it was happening! I needed to push and baby needed to come out! 
I labored and delivered my first baby totally unmedicated because I was basically too stubborn for my own good.
It was the most intense, raw pain I've ever felt, but the tales are true. I immediately forgot once the handed my daughter to me. I am so in love with this tiny human! 
Kyra Marie-Elaine was born 10/11 at 5:07am after only an hour admitted and 20 minutes of hard hard pushing! 
Oh. My water broke mid contraction and shot across the room, soaking my husband in the process. I laughed and joked between contractions, and to say I was amused is an understatement!