Huge relief


I knew I had anxiety over this pregnancy having had a mmc in late August that apparently stopped growing at 6w. I'm 9w1d today and they were able to get us in for an ultrasound a little early yesterday. My SO and I looked at each other, not the screen, as the tech started as we were preparing for the worst again. Then the words "everything looks perfect" filled our ears and we looked to see a rapidly beating heart! Needless to say we cried. I've had hyperemis and didn't think I could put myself through this again. It finally feels real, and I have joy in my heart again! I'm still a useless blob as sick as I am (zofran helps) but at least I know there's a purpose to it! I know we aren't out of the woods yet but it was a nice strong hb of 167 and I feel 500lbs lighter today! The terrible stomach pains have eased as well, I'm starting to think they were caused by anxiety.