Finally! He's here!


Sunday morning I woke up and noticed my son hadn't moved yet like he usually does. I did all if the usual steps, except eating because I honestly didn't think of it. Then I woke my husband up when I'd had no movement. My mom came over to watch our toddler and we headed up to L&D.; Baby was monitored and then an ultrasound was done to check fluid levels. They're supposed to be between 6 and 8. Mine were 5.3 and we had to stay to have baby! I was moved to a delivery room, IVs started, and monitors put on. I was only 2 cm dilated but mostly thinned out so they tried a Folley balloon...3 times 😡 It was hell even after getting some pain meds. Baby wouldn't let them do it anyway so they just upped the pitocin. Went from a 4 at one check to a 6. Water breaks. Then not even 30 minutes later I was almost an 8, so the doc stretched me. Hubby had gone to the gas station so my sister in law called and told him to hurry up as I was about to be pushing. He makes it upstairs and maybe 5 minutes later they checked and baby was coming. My doc makes it

just as I start pushing, and 4 pushes later, Waylon was born. I bawled when he started to cry and he was laid on my chest after a quick wipe down. On 12/10 at 3:19PM, weighing 6 pounds and 19 inches long, our little Waylon is FINALLY here.