Dear parents *had a lot I wanted to get off my chest*

Dear Dad,

Thank you for never being there. Thank you for always being drunk and making me never want to spend time with you. Thank you for not talking to me and never calling when you were gone for work about 200 days out of the year. But how dare you cheat on my mother and beat her for 20 years. You make me sick and you deserve to burn in hell. You make me wonder if I have any half siblings that I don’t know about. How dare you beat her in front of me when I was a child and how dare you beat her at all. The best decision she ever made was leaving you for good. She only stayed so long so me and my brother could have a dad since my half brother barely knows his. She also only stayed cause you almost died 3 times in 10 years. Thank you for only seeing me 3 times this year. The amount of hate I have for you is ridiculous. The amount of fights I’ve heard since I was 5 is ridiculous. The amount of times I’ve stepped in between you two so you wouldn’t hit her is insane. The worst thing you ever did was hold a knife to her throat when I was 5. You are a fucking disgrace and will never be a man. I’m so happy you are no longer apart of my life cause you are a terrible human being and I do hope you go to jail next year.

Dear Mom,

Thank you so much for making me have to grow up faster it’s the best thing you could’ve done for me. Thank you for basically raising me as a single mom my entire life and teaching me that I don’t need a man in my life. Thank you for trusting a man now, your boyfriend is amazing and you too are perfect for each other. Thank you for making me move away from my terrible ex at the beginning of the year. He was one of the worst things that ever happened to me. Thank you for always doing the best you could to raise me and my two brothers. Thank you for being more like my best friend than my mom lately it has brought us so much closer and our relationship has never been better. Thank you for talking to me for like an hour everyday even if I just start rambling. I cant wait for you and your boyfriend to move back here. You are a huge inspiration because of the things you’ve taught me. You’ve changed so much this year and I’m so proud of you. From trusting a man now to calling the cops on the monster I call my dad. My favourite part of this year was watching you drop 300 pounds... him being 250 of it and you for losing 50 pounds since April... you are so fucking amazing. I’m just not happy cause you’ve started stealing my clothes. Thank you so much for making me the woman I am today. You are so amazing ❤️