boys spreading rumours about me

so i’m gonna call this guy “S”. S has texted me a while back and it was pretty chill until a bit into talking and i got uncomfortable. i found myself going to other guy friends for help and they just told me that he’s being a guy. i blocked S and everything seemed fine after that. his locker was close to mine so after classes i would get my friends to come to my locker with me just to make sure he wasn’t able to approach me. it made me feel more safe. fast forward to a couple days ago and another guy has texted me (let’s call him “R”). R asked me if it was true that S has asked me out. i was completely shocked at the fact that S was going around to people saying that he had asked me out after all he did was talk to me (over text) and make me feel uncomfortable. i wanted to know if i should address the problem with S himself and let him know i’m not comfortable with him spreading rumours about me, or if i should just leave it be and let it blow off over holidays. let me know :)