When we started it was just having sex on my fertile days then a couple months/cycles I began to thi...

When we started it was just having sex on my fertile days then a couple months/cycles I began to think something was up. So I read and read and read how people were getting pregnant so quickly. Sex on these days, take these vitamins, drink this powder, use these oils, make sure to get this lube. I was trying to do it all. I had my first late period, I was SO excited! I took 2-3 tests every other day. Negative negative negative. Then my period came. I cried and cried and cried. I let myself believe I was pregnant just with low HGC levels. I was doing early pregnancy yoga, planning how I was going to tell my husband, my family, our friends. I was taking Pregnitude at the time cause my sister in law used it and she has a hard time getting pregnant and that might have helped but I think it shifted my period because it promises a regular ovulation and stuff. I kept using it cause man I really want a baby. Couple more months/cycles later my husband had to go to the field for training. When he's gone I don't take the best care of myself, I only ate when I was really hungry, I stopped taking my vitamins, etc. By the time he came back the vitamins were out of my system, I had to start over. I still wasn't taking my vitamins and we had sex just my fertile cycle and then my husband told me about ejaculation everyday clears out the weaker sperm but all I heard was "lemme just waist this liquid gold" so we had sex almost everyday. During my TWW I was already planning on what to do next, I was about to get crazy with it again. The fertility yoga, vitamins, special tea, everything. But then my period was late. I didn't wanna get my hopes up again but I could shake the feeling this time. I wasn't doing anything more to try to get pregnant than have sex everyday. I practically didn't care anymore. I told myself, "Wait a week, last time it was exactly a week late" So I waited. I told Glow my period was late and it said it'll come in two days then. I said "Yeah I'm sure it will." Every time I peed I was nervous, is this it? Did I finally get my period? Nope nothing. Two days go by, and I think, Glow says it should've been here by now. Maybe, just maybe. But last time it was a week. But I have a TON of the cheap pregnancy tests. I can waist one and put my mind at ease cause I know I'm not pregnant. It not a BFP but it is a faint line, I don't believe it and I don't want to. I don't wanna feel that hurt again. Then I remember I have a ton of regular tests. I have one of each brand. I take a Clear Blue and again, a faint positive. Okay but who really knows right? Should I do a blood test? But I didn't want to tell my husband and I would need his help to make an appointment. So I bite the bullet and think of how I wanna tell him on Christmas and I buy a couple of extra digital tests while I do his Christmas shopping. I get home and tell myself first morning urine, wait. I wake up at 2 am and can't sleep, I kinda have to pee but I'm scared about first morning urine, has it been long enough, should I just wait?? Fuck it I've got two tests let's just do it. A few minutes later, checking it every few seconds, I finally see it. A big fat plus with a big ol yes next to it. I hope this helps other women trying and trying. Ask me any questions please. Any way I can help. BABY DUST TO ALL!!!