Are we wrong?

New Boot Goofin`

Here's some backstory to my question:

I'm 19 going on 20 this January and I just had my baby girl in October. My pregnancy was wonderful up until 35 weeks when pre-eclampsia hit me like a brick house, leading up to an emergency induction at 36+1. It was fucking horrible. Like I'd have rather gone through labor twice (active labor was only like 2 hours) than go through the misery of magnesium (which slowed the progress of my induction), not being able to eat or walk for nearly two days, and deal with all the symptoms of severe pre-e. The whole ordeal honestly scared my SO more than me, he felt so useless and the midwives had to reassure him throughout that I was going to be okay. We talked throughout the following days that we really felt fulfilled with just our one girl and he also doesn't want to risk me going through that hell again.

Now fastforward to the last few weeks. I'm now a little over 9 weeks pp and his mother has already begun pressing the question of when the next will be here. I expected this from my mom, who has 10 of her own, but she understands our concerns and feelings on the matter. She acts like I'm being selfish for just wanting to be happy with my little family of three, so are we wrong for feeling the way we do?