Found out today... 2 years 10 months later my kid might have an abnormality?? help


My daughter is almost 3 year old. She was born Feb 2015 weighing 4.7kg or in other words, 10lb 6oz (huge). I went to my antenatal appointment today as i am 21 weeks with my 5th child and as shes doing my pregnancy history she comes along my record with Evie and in the birth and post partum page it says "unknown fetal abnormality- abnormality not known" and she asked me what it was and i have NO CLUE. does this mean my baby girl has a condition? why would it say that with her paperwork? why wasnt i told nearly 3 yr ago? she is very clever, reaching all mile stones, shes one of 4 currently and i have no concerns.. she does have a pretty wide set mouth and shes all teeth 😂 but i dont have reason to believe she has an abnormality... wtf this was her born and now