Worst time to get your period stories


So I have a story. When I was 17 (I’m 25 now) I had scheduled my behind the wheel drive test for the very last day that I could before my permit expired, at the very last time (4:30pm) because I was super scared. And since I had made it 6 months in advance, I didn’t know that I was going to be in the middle of moving. So it’s moving day and my mom is at the new house waiting for the gas guy to turn on the gas, and I’m alone at our old house, really nervous and by the way, the reason we were moving was because the neighborhood was infested with scorpions. So, I’m stressing out cause my mom is taking forever and then BAM I start my period. I’m like noooooo 😫😫 so my mom gets back and we go to leave (it’s 4:15 now btw) and I go to change my pad real quick and I kept my pads in this pretty vase near the toilet.. and I get it on my underwear.. and I notice from the corner of my eye.. a fuc**** SCORPION in my pad vase.. and I think OMG there is eggs in my pad and I rip the pad off and start screaming for my mom... and at this point my mom is fed up so she takes the whole vase with the scorpion in it and dumps it in the back yard. Well now I have no pads.. which I wasn’t about to put one of those on anyway.. so I have to use wadded up toilet paper.. on drive test day.. and I’m already running late.. so finally we leave and get half way there.. and in the midst of my pads having scorpions on them.. I FORGOT my drivers ed certificate AND my driving log.. so my mom has to turn around. When we FINALLY make it to the DMV.. it’s 4:35.. now at this point my mom had been telling me she was going to print out our tag renewal there and that we’d just do it when I take my test so we can just do it all in one day.. WELL, because it was one day past the expiration of the tags, the lady said we HAD to have the tag on the car first before I could take the test.. so we legit had to drive across the street and get a smog first and we come back and now it’s 4:55 and the lady says “it’s too late for you to take the test” (they close at 5pm) and my mom starts to lose it. Mind you she’s under a lot of stress moving our whole house by her self and doing all this running around and me stressing her out that I HAVE to take my test. My mom starts saying “oh no, I’m not coming back here! We are here now.” Ect etc.. and I’m at the point of tears because it’s all just so awful and I have uncomfortable wadded tissue as a pad.. and THEN.. some lady from behind the first lady says “I’ll take her out” omg 😢 my moms jaw hit the floor and was like “you will?” And she’s like “yeah hurry up” and I fuc**** ran after her.. and took the test and passed. So.. yeah. Lol it was a horrible day and the worst time to get my period.