Bring on my August baby!!

Elaine β€’ Married * Paw-Mom 🐢 * happy

My husband and I found out we were pregnant in the 5th. We only tried for a month and got it. πŸŽ‰πŸ€°πŸΌ

I’ve taken 5 other tests since then just to ease my mind that it’s positive and that I still was pregnant by the time I went into to the doctor. I went in yesterday to confirm I was pregnant yay! 6 weeks 1 day today. Booked my first dating ultrasound for Jan 5th. I’ll be 9 weeks 2 days. I’m so excited but I know the next 3 weeks are going to go by soooo slow!!! πŸ˜–

We plan on telling both sets of parents on Christmas. His mom is eager to have their first grandchild so I know this is going to floor them!! My parents are still on grand baby high with my sister about to give birth in the next couple weeks. 😍😍

I can’t say that I’ve had too bad of a pregnancy so far. Couple nauseous days. One vomiting day, but that was either the morning sickness or the IHOP or a bit of both πŸ˜œπŸ˜‚ today is probably the worst day so far. I’m drained and tired. Dizzy. My whole body just feels like a sack of potatoes. All I wanna do is lay my head down at work and sleep. 😴

Either way, morning sickness or not, I’m so looking forward to this incredible journey.