Formula-fed baby hasn’t pooped in 2 days?


We started a new formula (Hipp) this week, and it seems like my son is pooping less frequently. It’s been 2 days since his last bowel movement. With his other formula (Lebenswert), he pooped every day and they were healthy, runny, mustard-color poops. The only reason we switched formula is because I wanted him to have probiotics. The new formula has very similar ingredients as the old one, except it has added probiotics, prebiotics, and Omegas. When he poops now, his stool is still a healthy, runny, yellow color, but they just happen less often than before. Is this a reason for concern? I’m thinking I may have to switch back to our old formula again, but I just spent over $200 on the new formula to last us several weeks. I plan on asking my pediatrician for advice, but I wanted to check with all of you ladies first. Thanks!