How Do You Preoccupy Your Toddler?

I have four children, my oldest and only daughter is in first grade and I have 3 boys the ages of 4, 2, and 9 months. I definitely have my hands full and you would THINK I'd be a pro by now but NOPE.

I can't figure out how to keep my two year old busy. My daughter was easy. She always wanted to learn, color, paint, read books, she knew all of her alphabet, colors, and could count to twenty in English and ten in Spanish by the time she was 2. She literally spoke full sentences.

My oldest son I had a hard time with because I was told apparently he has "slight" autism or autistic tendencies. He's a "sensory seeker." He's actually a lot better now but I learned to do a lot of the sensory activities with him when I was able so it occupied him.

My two year old though, I can't figure anything out. He will not color, he won't paint, he LOVES to clean but he refused to use toy brooms, mops, etc. He wants the real deal and I just can't let him because he's literally broken two vacuums and 3 Swiffer mops.

I can't afford to buy those left and right when he breaks them. I can give him a sponge and a spray bottle with water and it keeps him busy for maybe 30 minutes. I have to keep my eye on him at all times because he won't watch TV longer than 5-8 minutes, won't play with playdough or color, he will get my keys and try to put them in outlets, he tries to climb on the counter and turn my stove eyes on, he even plugged in my flat iron one day and turned it on while I was right there folding laundry a few feet away and had to stop and grab him.

Just any advice for toddler activities would be greatly appreciated, I can't find anything that he likes to do that's safe.