Amelia Jewel's birth story 🌈


(Pictures at the end of the post)

Amelia Jewel- September 19, 2017

The long awaited September 13 came and went and you did not make your appearance. I wasn't surprised because I anticipated going over my due date, but the excitement I felt knowing I would meet you soon was overwhelming.

Overall I had a wonderful nine months carrying you. I felt great and pretty much totally avoided the tired morning sickness phase, so while I was ready to meet you I focused on enjoying more time to prepare.

On Monday September 18 I was five days over and had a doctors appointment. My doctor was able to do a membrane sweep, and I hoped it would get labor going but I was skeptical. That night I had some cramping but it tapered off, and I went to bed.

I was woken up by a contraction at two o'clock in the morning. Could this be it? I was able to go back to sleep. At four I was woken again, and this time I began feeling stronger, more regular contractions. Not wanting to call your Dad at work (he was working 3rd shift) until I knew it was the real deal I waited. By five thirty I had been having contractions every five to seven minutes for an hour. I decided it was time to call. He called me as he was leaving work and I smiled hearing the excitement in his voice, even as I breathed through another contraction.

We reached floor nine of Mercy Health St. Mary's at seven AM. They moved us into a triage room and I said several silent prayers, praying that I would be admitted. The nurse asked me "on a scale of one to ten where would you say your pain is?". "Ummm seven or eight?" I responded feeling so sure it couldn't get worse! The nurse came back an hour later and asked the same question. I laughed and admitted there was no way I was at an eight because the contractions were way more intense. How can someone who's never experienced labor before answer that anyway?

At nine thirty she came and announced the news we were hoping for; I had progressed from two centimeters to four. They were admitting us to a delivery room! By ten o'clock we were into our room, the room where we would meet you for the first time. We discussed the natural hypno-birthing birth we had decided on with our wonderful nurses, and labor continued.

At twelve thirty the nurses checked my progress and I was at five centimeters. The nurse, no doubt trying to be encouraging, reassured me "with your first, once you hit five centimeters things really start to progress and you usually dilate one centimeter an hour". My heart sank and I remember looking at your Dad feeling so defeated. "I can't do five more hours of this!" I confessed to him once our nurses stepped out of the room. He didn't say anything just calmly squeezed my hand. Your Dad was my rock during labor and did exactly what I needed. As contraction after contraction brought you closer to my arms his hand was always within reach. I felt so close to him and so comforted by him. Thankfully after about forty five minutes I knew something had changed. The pressure increased and I called for the nurse.

Our nurses were on their lunch break so we met a new one. She checked my progress; seven centimeters! I felt a new rush of determination; I can do this! Dr. Vreeke arrived a short while after that. She checked me again, nine centimeters! My excitement turned to a mix of relief and nervousness. I knew soon it would be time to push.

I chose to labor in the shower hoping I would relax enough to reach ten centimeters. After about ten minutes I felt the strong urge to push so they directed me back to bed. I was still at nine. On my next contraction I told my doctor "I have to push!" Knowing my body wasn't ready she decided to break my water. It all went so quickly after that. She said "ok Olivia, push!" After only a few pushes your Daddy could see your beautiful head. The doctor let me feel which gave me a whole new rush of determined motivation. A few more pushes and I felt the sweet relief of you entering this world. You were absolutely wailing and decided to poop on me which had us all laughing. "Ok Dad, tell us what the baby is!" the nurse said. Through his tears and with a beaming face he announced "it's a girl!" It was 3:33pm.

I can still remember exactly how it felt to hold your warm squishy body for the first time. You were wailing as I hugged you tight and doted comforting kisses on your sweet face. Eight pounds one ounce and twenty and a half inches of sweet baby girl. Amelia Jewel how we prayed for you little one. Our beautiful rainbow baby safely in our arms at last. I am so blessed to be your mama and I do love you so!

^Feeling tired but so thankful my girl is in my arms at last!

^taken at the hospital! She was only two days old ♥️


^my whole world! Amelia and her daddy 😍

^family pictures

^she's honestly the happiest baby!!
