Pretty sure I'm ace but don't want to label myself?

I'm 19 (almost 20) and I've been thinking a lot about my past experiences with relationships and stuff and I really think I'm asexual. I mean, I've never had sex but I used to get nauseous or upset after my ex and I made out for a long time, especially if he dry humped me or if it was getting really sexual. He also told me that I pushed him away a lot when he would try to kiss my stomach or go down on me, but I wasn't even consciously trying to push him away. Of course, I wasn't enjoying it either.... Sexual things just always seemed vaguely nasty to me. But I know that labeling myself asexual is basically swearing off all relationships, at least for a while because no guy my age is going to be patient enough to put up with a girl who openly doesn't want sex. I kind of want to just keep pretending I'm normal and hope that once I find the right person I'll be comfortable enough with them to want sex, but I kind of feel like by doing that I'd be lying to whoever I'm with. I don't want to lead anyone on but at the same time, I get lonely and I want to be in a romantic relationship again one day...I don't know, do you guys think maybe I'll be interested in sex eventually? Have any of you had similar feelings about sex throughout your teen years but learned to like sex/sexual things?