Did I really move on? Or am I cheating? 😅 Update at the bottom👇🏾

So I’ve been dating my friend for a good few months now and we would talk and see each other like every other day. He is in love with me but my feelings haven’t gotten that far yet. And one day he just completely vanished. I tried reaching out multiple times but no response, so I just assumed that he didn’t want to date me anymore. A month has passed and I started to talk back to my ex/first love. I told him about what was going on and we started getting romantically involved with each other. A few weeks go by and the friend that I was dating texted me out the blue and wanted to know was I ready for date night. I told my ex, now boyfriend and he just blew it off, since I told the friend I moved on. But now the friend thinks we still are dating and sends me romantic text (no nudes). But I just don’t know how to tell him that I moved on completely. And is it possible to remain friends or is that just wishful thinking?


So I finally had the courage to tell him what was going on and he was totally fine with everything☺️ But I do know his feelings still remain so I will keep a little distance between us.