Trying to love myself again


I used to have the biggest ego. I loved myself from head to toe and never let anyone get me down. A family member wanted a picture with me? No problem. Oh, you snap chatted me with out me posing? Eh I still look good. Then about a year ago I went through a horrible break up. I’ll spare you the depressing details but my anxiety and panic attacks came back, I wanted to relapse and do self harming on myself and my confidence fell straight through the floor. There are times where I feel like none of my clothes look good on me at all. It gets to the point where I’m too embarrassed on my looks to leave my own home! But I’m trying to pick myself back up again. Day by day, I’ll try to look in the mirror without feeling disgusting. It’s a process, and it’ll take time and effort. But I’m working on it. I took these pictures today, I didn’t try to make myself look as skinny as possible and that made me a bit uncomfortable at first, but I like them. I might not like how big I look, but again baby steps to self love ❣️