fertility killing supply


with my daughter, I had my first period 6 weeks pp and every time I ovulated or had a period my supply dropped and never came back up. I had to start formula feeding because I was completely dry by 4 months. so with my son the first couple of weeks I was pumping an extra 12 ounces a day! then I ovulated.. 6 ounces extra. then my body geared up for a period. 3 ounces extra. I started my period 5 weeks pp (before my lochea even stopped!!) despite breastfeeding round the clock and pumping extra. my supply never came back up now he's 7 weeks old and I'm having to give 2 ounces of formula every night because I'm so low. I just don't understand. I've been eating lactation cookies, drinking powerade, keeping my calcium and magnesium levels high, and my hormones are STILL killing my milk supply. am I the only one who has this issue?? hell if I have to formula feed again I will, but I just don't know anyone else this happens to so I just wish someone understood and I don't have to explain myself 100x over to all the people who successfully breastfed their kids for years. anyone fix this issue?