Should we go with the family tradition of naming our baby with a K name, or do something different?

My family has a tradition of naming their babies with K names. And I'm not just talking my immediate family.. all of my cousins AND their kids are all K's- 28 K names total so far!

My husband and I are having our first baby soon and are going back and forth on whether or not to keep with the tradition (girl names that start with K are starting to be hard to come by) or start a new tradition with a new letter. I told my husband I like the idea of having our kids all start their names with the same letter, but not necessarily K. But I don't want our babies to be cursed or shunned from the family for breaking tradition either!! 😅

There's actually not a lot of familial pressure to stick with the K tradition, but it's just kind of been an unspoken rule to name your kid with a K name in our family.

What do you think? And if you vote to stick with the tradition, name suggestions are appreciated!

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