My 2 hour unexpected labor 😬😍


So my baby boy is here and I couldn’t be happier! On Wednesday I noticed I started to have some very mild contractions. They really weren’t painful at all they felt more like BH. However they were kind of consistent. Every 3-7 minutes apart or so. Anyways I noticed that it went on all day. We were scheduled to be induced on Friday so we were hesitant to go in in fear of being sent home. But we figured what would it hurt. Here’s where is gets interesting. We’re pulling into the hospital and I kid you not my water breaks the second we park 😂 I was like ummmm ok well we definitely aren’t being sent home! My water broke at 3:11. The contractions got extreamly sting extreamly quick. I was still in the triage and they checked me and I was already at a 4. But they assumed I had a little while so they left me alone for a few. But every single contraction was becoming more and more unbearable. I kid you now 15 minutes later I was screaming because of the pain and they checked me and I was at a 7!!!!!!! Every contraction felt like agony 😭 anyways they wheel me off to a delivery room ASAP. I was in SO much pain I still decided to atleast try and get an epidural even though they told me I probably won’t have time. But I got it and writhing 15 minutes I pushed him out! 7lbs 13 oz!