ive always felt weird


since I was like 15 I've always had weird female problems. like I'd get like weird burning or smell or even this weird swollen ball thing once when I was like 15 and when I'd go to the doctors it would either be gone or they wouldn't find any infections. I grew use to these abnormal things and lived with them (never got that swollen ball thing again) my mom at one point even said that I probably didn't actually know what it was like to be normal cuz of everything. next month I turn 20 and next month I'm going to my first serious GYN visit, cuz I went to a quick exam when I was 15 and nothing was found. I'm sexually active now and my husband always insists I see one for my health so I finally scheduled an appointment. when I get my periods yes I have horrible cramps but I don't know if it's normal for my actual vagina to hurt due to it. I get severe pain there on my period worse than my cramps. some days I also feel like painful spasms in my vagina for no reason once in awhile. and when I have any sort of gas even it little bit; it hurts to pee or even have sex. it's like everything is scrunched up in one place. and so I finally decided to see a GYN for a checkup just in case there is anything. also past three months I've had a yeast infection at least that's what I think it is as when I use monistat the symptoms are got till suddenly after I ovulate and it comes right back. so for three months I've gotten 3. any body else has these problems?