39 weeks, seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.


39 weeks today! Officially off of work for the next 12 weeks, and fully ready for baby girl to make her debut. We really were hoping she would come yesterday, but she had other plans and wanted Mommy and Daddy to see Star Wars first. We had our check up yesterday afternoon, and the doctor reported no change in effacement or dilation. I was very discouraged by this. I have been at 2cm for well over two weeks, and stuck at 70% effacement. She really is comfy in there. But some good news came. We finally had the induction talk. I want to do this as naturally as possible. But if baby does not come on her own my doctor will induce on either 12/28 or 12/29 (41 weeks exactly). While I sincerely hope it does not come to that, there is great relief in having an official end in sight, and she's got two weeks to get this show on the road her self. Still really hope she makes an early appearance so that I can spend as much of my time off with her as possible.