Guy problems🙄

I’m going to try and make this as short as possible but I’m talking to this guy and we’ve been talking for a month maybe a little longer we’ve hung out a lot and we’ve hooked up a lot a well. When I’m out with him he gives me mixed signals, he’ll always kiss me and hug me and dance with me but then when I leave he’ll quickly drop me off and start to drive off before I even close the door. He usually doesn’t call me by my name he’ll just whistle at me. Honestly he’s kind of rude to me. I’ve brought up if he’s looking for a relationship but he said no cuz he just got out of one but I feel like he still likes this girl and possibly still with her. It’s honestly such a complicated situation and I don’t know what to do. When he texts me he’s usually really short with his responses and I know he snapchats a lot of girls. Idk why I like him but I do and now I don’t know what to do. I could use some advice, I think the only reason I’m still talking to him is because I’m lonely, I have 2 friends and haven’t been in a relationship in over a year and I guess I’m just wanting to talk to someone so idk what to do